Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting Ready

Like exams, most of the benefit for going seems to be in the preparation, at least initially. I am going through all my stuff which is a good exercise. I am appalled at all the stuff I have accumulated and I always thought I wasn't that materialistic. Every box donated or recycled or even trashed is a minor exultation.

I am also trying to get in my favorite recreation. The early snows melted in what seemed an endless Indian Summer. Then skiers received their own gift of the magi with three Christmas snowstorms that brought the snow pack from 30% to 90% of normal in a week. Now there is 5 feet on top and the skiing is great. (check out brundage.com)

I am studying Albanian language and history. It seems a fascinating country at the crossroad of Europe and Asia with an ancient history although a victim of multiple conquests. I will be at Elbasan for at least the first 3 months to live with a family and study the language and culture. It was a major Ottoman city and reputed to be one of the most beautiful before WWII. After that it fell victim to the pollution of industry in a command economy. I am also studying up on heavy metal toxicity. My backround in enviromental health may come in handy.
I am also trying to complete requirements to maintain my certifications so I can have the option to hunt for a job when I get back in a couple of years. Like most people, my savings have been hit to a startling degree, so retirement may not be possible. Despite some concerns, I still am enthusiastic about going. I figure that being wealthy is, to some degree, a state of mind. The poor worry about their next meal and a roof over their head. Middle class worry about career and finances. Wealthy about how to spend their time. It seems I know lots of people at all income levels that have problems realizing that time is really all they have to spend in life.